Our Service

One of our values is service to our country. Kappa Alpha Order established the Military Division Pin to honor its members who served honorably in the United States Armed Forces. The award is a Maltese Cross of crimson and gold.


General of the Army George C. Marshall
VMI, Class of 1901, Kappa Alpha Order

Maltese Cross

Today, 165 members of Theta Commission have earned the right to wear this cross. Theta Commission has more members honored with this Cross than all of Kappa Alpha Order.

Another of our values is excellence in all things. We want our Brothers to carry out their military duties to the best of their abilities. For a number of years, we have had a program of supporting our Brothers on military deployments with “care” packages for themselves as well as men and women under their command.

We want each of our Brothers to enjoy a life of challenge and high achievement. Accordingly, we also facilitate a very active “mentoring program” pairing an older, alumni Brother with a recently graduated cadet who may need advice and support in their chosen profession.